Soar Like Eagles

Many people today are tired and weary. Most common causes are connected to finances, family, and jobs.

Isaiah 40:27-31 tells us about a kind of strength that knows no weariness. The prophet describes the people possessing such strength. He compares them to soaring eagles.

The existence of a kind of life that is above difficult people and circumstances is a biblical reality. Let me share with you the qualities of such breed of people. What are these qualities? What are the qualities of people soaring like eagles?

People soaring likes eagles are not complainers.

If you are weary and tired about your husband, about your wife, your parents, your children, your job, the economy, and even the ministry, it will manifest in the way you talk. You will keep on complaining. You will keep on saying, “Why things are not happening the way I want it. It should be this way. It should be that way. They are wrong and I am right.” And you will keep on finding faults from your circumstances and the people surrounding you.

Perhaps like the nation of Israel, you are saying, “My way is hidden from the Lord; my cause is disregarded by my God?” The other way of putting it, perhaps you are saying to yourself, “The Lord no longer loves me. He is no longer answering my prayers. Why am I not getting the things I have been asking from him? Why the Lord is hiding his face from me? Perhaps, I have done something terrible in the eyes of God that make him angry. I no longer deserve his love.”

Are you saying this to yourself? If you are saying that to yourself, it is high time for you to stop talking to yourself that way. The truth is God loves you far greater than you know yourself. There is nothing more or less you can do that can change the greatness of God’s love for you. God displayed the ultimate proof of His love for you when He gave His Only Begotten Son to die for your sins on the Cross.

What words did you say to yourself and people around you last week? Are they words of weariness? Or are they words of people soaring like eagles?

Don’t you know that your words come from your thoughts and that they will finally shape your action determining results in your life? Watch therefore the words that come out from your mouth for that will be your future. If you want to change your life, change the words you use from words of weariness to words of soaring eagles. But for you to change your words, you must also change your mind.

People soaring like eagles firmly know their God.

Complains about your situation and the people around you are indications that you are tired. They are also indications that you are changing your focus from God to your problems. Complains and weariness are symptoms of forgetting your God. You forget what you heard from the word of God about the greatness of our God. You forget what kind of God you are praying to, that He “is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth.” You forget that our God does “not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom.”

The greatest crisis we have in our time is not economic in nature but crisis in the knowledge of God. People in our days no longer believe in the existence of God. Atheism is the dominant ideology that determines mainstream conversation in the web. Colleges and universities are now ruled by atheistic philosophers. Unfortunately, the people of God appear to be following the world in ignoring the true and living God. Many equate the God of Abraham, of Isaac, and Jacob with Allah, the gods of the Hindus, and other world religions. The true knowledge of God in our days is very rare.

People soaring like eagles see things differently. They choose to see the size of their God rather than the size of their problems. Do you have problems, which are too big and too difficult for you to solve? Yes, compared to yourself, your problems may be too big and overwhelm you. But compared to your God, are your problems bigger than your God? The fact is no one, nothing can be bigger than our God and nothing is impossible with Him.

Prophet Jeremiah said, “Let not the wise man boast of his wisdom or the strong man boast of his strength or the rich man boast of his riches, but let him who boasts, boast about this: that he understands and knows me, that I am the Lord, who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth for in these I delight” (9:23-24). Amen!

People soaring like eagles have received strength from God.

What makes you strong? Who makes you strong? Is he your husband? Is your wife your source of strength? Are they your kids? How about your business?

How about if your husband is too busy in his job, in his ministry and no longer gives you attention that he used to give before? Will you be disappointed? Will you be discouraged? Will you complain? How about if your wife becomes unfaithful to you, will you be devastated and could no longer go on living? How about if your kids die, can you still sing “It is well with my soul”? How about if your business becomes bankrupt, can you still say, “Praise the Lord!”?   

We can describe the strength that comes from God either as “supernatural” or “supranatural”. The key idea is that the strength from God is above or beyond the natural strength. Ordinarily, despite that young people are known for energy, but still they get tired. Runners too grow weary. Walkers experience fainting. But the kind of strength that God provides is a strength that knows no natural boundaries. It is a strength that surpasses even the youth; it does not grow weary; and it is the kind of strength that never faints. That is why those people who possess this strength are compared to soaring eagles.

This supernatural strength is a gift. It cannot be obtained by our own efforts. There is nothing in us that deserves to receive this strength. The only qualification for us to receive this strength is to acknowledge that on our own we are weary; that on our own, we are weak. This requires humility for the greatest obstacle to receive this strength is pride. As long as we keep on trusting ourselves, this strength is beyond our reach. But once we place our entire hope in God, the strength of God will come upon us.

Do you want to have this strength? If you do, humble yourself before God for He resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.     

People soaring like eagles once made a decision in their lives to stop complaining, to focus in knowing God, and have received supernatural strength from God. But we all know that complaining and trusting in ourselves are constant battles we must overcome for us to experience this higher kind of life. It is only by the grace of God that we can soar on wings like eagles. Indeed, it is only by the power of the Holy Spirit that you and I can soar like eagles. Amen!